Challenge Course Instructor Level 1 Re-certification

This is a refresher course for participants certified in OBS Challenge Course Instructor Level 1 (CCI Lv1). Participants will be re-assessed on the skills and knowledge covered in OBS CCI Lv1.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded the OBS CCI Lv1 re-certification.

Course Date
  • 18 & 19 Jun 2024 (Training & Assessment) - Registration period: 26 Mar to 23 Apr 2024
  • 4 & 5 Dec 2024 (Training & Assessment) - Registration period: 11 Sep to 9 Oct 2024
Course Fees
  • For training and assessment (2 Days) – $207.10 per pax (inclusive of 9% GST)
  • For assessment only (1 Day) – $103.55 per pax (inclusive of 9% GST)

MOE Adventure Learning Centres

Registration Form can be found here. (Form will be made available when registration opens)

  • Participants must be 21 years old and above
  • Minimum of 6 participants to start
  • Pre-requisite is OBS CCI Lv1 certification or equivalent
  • Verification will be based on portfolio submission
  • Minimum of 50 hours to qualify for the 1 day assessment
  • Number of hours in the portfolio should be within the certification validity
  • The OBS CCI Lv1 certification is valid for 1 year.
  • To ensure that your certification does not lapse, please block out and register for the re-certification course early.
  • Slots are limited per session and it is on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Acceptance into the course is based on a confirmation sent out by OBS after all relevant documents have been submitted and payment has been made.
  • Re-certification courses are usually full at the end of the year.
Email for enquiries.