Challenge Course Instructor Level 2 Re-Certification

This is a 5-days skills refresher course for participants who are current holders of a valid OBS Challenge Course Instructor Level 2 (CCI Lv2) certificate. Participants will undergo reassessment of their ability to execute skills and demonstrate knowledge and competence in facilitating High Adventure Elements (HAE) and Low Adventure Elements (LAE) at a Ministry of Education Outdoor Adventure Learning Centre (MOE OALC). This reassessment will ensure strict adherence to the MOE OALC Standard Operating Procedure (Site Specific), as covered in the OBS CCI Level 2 certification course

Upon successfully clearing the practical assessment of the certification course, participants will be awarded a renewed OBS CCI Lv2 certification, which is valid for three (3) years upon the date of completion.

Course Date
  • 26 - 30 May 2025
Course Fees

Details will only be shared via Course Joining Instruction – Upon Successful Registration

Training Delivery

The course will be conducted both indoors and outdoors, leveraging on case studies sharing, hands on demonstration and practice, role-playing and simulated challenge ropes courses, abseiling and zipline scenarios. A practical assessment of the learning component will be conducted to validate the acquisition of skills by the participant. A maximum of 3 attempts will be granted per assessment component. 

To complete the course, participants will have to be assessed as competent in all practical components and to maintain at least an 80% attendance.

Course Objectives

The Learning Objectives for the CCI Level 2 Re-Certification Course are as follows:

  • Learners will be able to prepare their personal protective equipment and the rescue equipment to execute a safe and effective rescue on the Adventure Learning Facility (ALF).

  • Learners will be able to apply knots craft used for the ALF rescue operations. 

  • Learners will be able to perform a rescue on the ALF based on OALC SOP. 

  • Learners will be able to perform setting of runner cord on the ALF based on OALC SOP.

  • Learners will be introduced to the role of an ALF IC and its duties and responsibilities.


  • Practical test (to score 100% “Competent”) and

  • Fulfil at least 80% of attendance in training to clear the course


  • Participants must be 21 years old and above

  • Minimum of 6 participants to start

  • Current OBS CCI Lv2 certification or equivalent

  • Provide a portfolio documenting 

  • 150 cumulative hours of experience working on ropes course-related activities, and

  • 24 hours of additional relevant training within the previous three (3) years; and 

  • a three (3) days training and assessment

  • Failing to do so, participants are required to retake full five (5) days training and assessment


A CCI Level 2 practitioner may also recertify as a CCI Level 1 practitioner, following all requirements set to be a valid CCI Level 1 practitioner.

Registration Form can be found here. (Form will be made available when registration opens)

To Note
  • The OBS CCI Lv2 Re-Certification is valid for 3 years.

  • Slots are limited per session and on a first-come-first-served basis.

  • Acceptance into the course is based on a confirmation sent out by OBS after all relevant documents have been submitted and payment has been made.

  • E- Certificate will be issue to those who are assessed as ‘Competent’.

  • Certified Licenced Trainer are not to perform any activities with Expired License.

  • Certificate Licence is to be renewed prior to Expiration date.

  • Extension of Licence will not be entertained without valid reason.


Please email for enquiries.