Course Information

Find out more about the Leadership & Service Award.
How you can inspire individuals and help transform our communities.


Singaporeans and Permanent Residents

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Course Information Kit

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Course Overview

The OBS Leadership & Service Award (LSA) celebrates and recognises youth with outstanding contributions in leadership and service within our community. Outstanding youth are offered a scholarship to participate in the internationally-renowned 21-Day OBS Classic Challenge Course and are obliged to fulfil a Post-course Service Project. Titled the “Experience of a Lifetime”, this is where youth will hone their leadership capabilities and broaden their community perspectives by implementing projects to address community needs. As part of our mission to develop rugged and resilient youth to be active citizens, inspired to serve the community, the LSA recognises youth's capabilities, develops their inner potential, and inspires them to be community-minded.

(from top left) Some activities during the 21-Day OBS Classic Challenge Course would include sailing, height elements and reflection

The 21-Day OBS Classic Challenge Course is a leadership development programme set in the outdoors. It is a physically and mentally demanding programme, encompassing a wide variety of activities and challenges designed to help youth realise their true potential. Based on a multi-element and multi-expedition concept, participants embark on several extended expeditions that keep them on the move. It brings them to unfamiliar zones, helping them to stretch beyond their comfort zones where they can explore, venture and learn. As travel resumes, there is a possibility of having part of the 21-Day OBS Classic Challenge Course conducted overseas.

The obligatory 3-month Post-course Service Project, take place immediately after the 21-Day OBS Classic Challenge Course. It aims to provide youth with platforms and opportunities to carry out community initiatives. From conception to implementation of community projects, the youth are guided by an OBS staff or LSA Alumni as they gain a better understanding on the actual community needs, and provide feasible solutions to address these needs. It will also help the youth apply the lessons learnt during the 21-Day Classic Challenge Course by further developing their leadership abilities, and acquiring or improving their existing project management skills such as communicating with community partners and interacting with people from all walks of life.

OBS LSA – The Experience of a Lifetime
Click the image to view the March 2020 LSA Video
Eligibility & Graduation Criteria
Leadership & Service Award participants celebrating the last day of their 21-day Classic Challenge Course
Eligibility Criteria:
  • 17-35 years old as of 31 December
  • Excellent leadership and service track record
  • Have experience and passion in improving the community
  • Only Singaporeans and Permanent Residents are eligible
  • Note: Successful applicants will undergo a stringent selection process first before being awarded the full scholarship. They will then participate in the prestigious 21-Day OBS Classic Challenge Course, and fulfil the obligatory 3 months Post-course Service Project immediately after the course. LSA awardees who complete the graduation criteria below, will then graduate as a LSA Graduate and will be eligible for a host of youth developmental opportunities at NYC.

    Graduation Criteria:
  • Completion of 21-Day OBS Classic Challenge Course
  • Demonstration of commitment and contribution to the Post-course Service Project* 
                                            *To be completed within 6 months following the end of the 21-Day Course
  • Course Objectives

    Through the 21-Day OBS Classic Challenge Course, participants will learn to

    • Enhance personal confidence through self-awareness and harnessing strengths
    • Build resilience through overcoming daily adversity
    • Think creatively, innovatively and break out of the status quo mind-set
    • Sharpen personal leadership skills to be a more effective, credible and inspiring leader
    • Strengthen the spirit of giving and caring to the community and responsibility for environmental impact
    Course Period & Interest
    • Courses 
      • June
      • December


    • Interested in the LSA?

      Help us keep you in the loop.
              Simply register your interest with us using this Leadership & Service Award Interest Form

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