Maintenance of Racial Harmony Bill
Youths heard from Minister of State Sun Xueling and Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) representatives on the Maintenance of Racial Harmony Bill and shared their views and questions on it. This dialogue was organised in collaboration with MHA.
Click here to view the event summary.

Drugs and Death Penalty
Youths heard from Minister K. Shanmugam, and shared their views, on the death penalty and its effectiveness as a deterrent in safeguarding Singapore against serious forms of crime. This dialogue was organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Click here to view the event summary.

Our Housing Conversation Housing for Singles and Second-Time Home Buyers
Youths shared their sentiments on existing housing policies, focusing on singles and second-home buyers. This dialogue was organised in collaboration with Ministry of National Development.
Click here to view the event summary.

Building Financial Resilience and Scam Awareness
Youths learned from experts and exchanged tips on how to better protect their money against scams and achieve their financial goals and aspirations. This was the second installation of NYC’s dialogue on Financial Literacy in collaboration with MoneySense and Institute for Financial Literacy.
Click here to view the event summary.

Mind Your Money Achieving Financial Wellbeing Amidst Rising Cost of Living
Youths discussed the rising cost of living and ways to better manage finances with experts in the field and peers. This was the first installation of NYC’s dialogue on Financial Literacy in collaboration with MoneySense and Institute for Financial Literacy.
Click here to view the event summary.

Singapore's Social Fabric and National Identity
Youths shared their views on the 2022 National Day Rally announcements and discussed how Singaporeans can remain united despite diversity.
Click here to view the event summary.

Social Inequality & Mobility
Youth shared their views on social mobility and explored ways to redefine success and elevate vulnerable communities.
Click here to view the event summary.