Youth Policy Forum
Organised by the National Youth Council and supported by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, the Youth Policy Forum is the milestone event of the Youth Panels. It took place on 24 August 2024 and saw more than 1,000 youths in attendance. For the first time, the Youth Panels presented their preliminary recommendations to the public.
Click the hyperlinks below to view the detailed notes of:
1. Opening Address by Prime Minister Mr Lawrence Wong
2. Panel Presentations
3. Closing Address & Closing Plenary Dialogue by Minister Mr Edwin Tong
Click the button below to read how our Youth Panels are shaping tomorrow's policies:
Preliminary Recommendations
Learn more about the Youth Panels' preliminary recommendations

#GreenHacks Panel
The #GreenHacks panel introduces ways to increase public knowledge and foster a lifestyle of recycling right, towards enhancing the efficiency of recycling efforts in Singapore.
#JobHacks Panel
Leveraging opportunities in Southeast Asia, the #JobHacks panel explores how youth can learn about and appreciate the benefits of exposure to regional opportunities and experiences.
#LifeHacks Panel
In a world where youth face greater uncertainty about the future, the #LifeHacks panel explores how to improve financial literacy among youth and encourage action in achieving financial resilience.
#TechHacks Panel
In an increasingly digital world, the #TechHacks panel delves into tackling the pressing issue of online harms, and propose innovative strategies to boost digital resilience among youth.
Progress of the Youth Panels
The Youth Panel journey kicked off with Phase 1 (Discover & Define) where youth underwent introductory and equipping workshops on policy-making and design innovation.
The Panels are now deep in Phase 2 (Design & Deliver) where they engage in panel-led discussions, research, learning journeys and engagement – together with government agencies – to deliberate on the policy areas and potential recommendations.
Phase 3 (Submission of Recommendations) will commence in August 2024 with the presentation of the panels' policy ideas and preliminary recommendations to youths and the general public at the Youth Policy Forum. Following the Forum, the Panels will finalise their policy recommendations, and submit them to NYC/MCCY and the respective agencies. Thereafter, NYC/MCCY and relevant agencies will close the loop with the Panels, and respond to the recommendations where appropriate.
Individual Panel Details
The Panels of #LifeHacks, #JobHacks, #TechHacks, and #GreenHacks have been set up to look into issues on financial security, careers and lifelong learning, digital-wellbeing, and environment and sustainability respectively.
With financial security being a top-of-mind issue for youth, the #LifeHacks Youth Panel will conduct a deeper study to better understand the challenges faced by various youth segments.
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Addressing youth concerns about opportunities for career development and lifelong learning, the #JobHacks Panel seeks to identify and plug gaps within the labour market.
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With youths being the most frequent users of technology, the #TechHacks Panel aims to look at how digital well-being can be enhanced, and online harms mitigated.
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Our youths care deeply for the environment, and the #GreenHacks Panel will look at ways to tackle environmental sustainability issues that Singaporeans face.
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