"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

This quote by Winston Churchill is a guiding principle that Erina Oh, the valedictorian for the Youth Corps Commencement Ceremony 2024, lives by. Resonating with the quote, the 18-year-old used it to close her speech at the event celebrating the 209 Youth Corps Leaders Programme (YCLP) Cohort 24, 28 and 29 participants’ achievements.


Throughout the nine months spent in the YCLP – a programme designed to develop and hone the leadership skills of youths outside the classroom – Erina made the most out of the experience.


Erina discovered and started participating in the KidsCount Programme @ Boon Lay through YCLP as she wished to volunteer with children. Photo Credit: Lim Yee Lin

Her volunteering stint with KidsCount, a weekly numeracy programme aimed to support Primary 1 to 3 students from underprivileged backgrounds living in Boon Lay, allowed her to grow into a more empathetic and determined individual.


Working with children from low-income families for the first time, the Ngee Ann Polytechnic student had to adjust her expectations. As the eldest of three siblings at home, she initially thought working with children was straightforward. But she was quickly confronted with challenges such as some children's difficulty in understanding concepts because they had a weak proficiency in the English language.


“At that point, it’s really not about what we want to teach…. It was about trying to figure out how to best explain (things) to the child,” Erina shares.


“And, every single child is different, so you’ll have to accommodate based on what the child likes, dislikes, and some little quirks.”



Prior to the start Erina’s group taking over KidsCount @ Boon Lay as EXCO members, they attended a training camp and induction sessions provided by Youth Corps Singapore. Photo Credit: Erina Oh

On top of interacting with the beneficiaries, Erina and her team were also in charge of matters like the recruitment of children for the programme, attendance of both the children and volunteers, and planning of the curriculum and activities.

For instance, the team organised a trip to River Wonders located in Mandai Wildlife Reserve for the beneficiaries. Beyond it being a fun excursion for the beneficiaries, this opportunity allowed them to explore the world outside the classroom and learn more about animals. 

Moreover, as Erina immersed herself in the KidsCount programme, her perfectionist mindset also underwent profound change. Transitioning from secondary school to polytechnic life exposed her to the reality that not everything could be within her control – a realisation further reinforced by her YCLP experience.

Being the chairperson of her team, Erina was particularly meticulous in her approach to the planning and execution of curriculum and events. Though well-intentioned, this often led to moments of stress and frustration for herself. Erina eventually learned to relinquish her need to be in control, understanding that imperfections were an inherent part of the process. 

“I realised I didn’t need to stress over the little things because regardless, the session will have to go on. The only difference is whether I’m stressed out or not.”



Despite closely collaborating with community partners from the Boon Lay Youth Network to gain insight into the beneficiaries' characteristics, Erina and her team truly grasped what they meant upon interacting directly with the children. Photo Credit: Erina Oh

Erina also credits YCLP for opening her eyes to hardships faced by children from low-income families, allowing her team to recalibrate their goals for the beneficiaries. For instance, although the team had aimed to maintain a 75 per cent attendance rate across the 16 sessions of KidsCount, various factors contributed to children missing sessions. These included logistical challenges, such as parents who were unable to transport their child to the location and familial circumstances, like siblings not attending because one had conflicting commitments.


“I think it just broadened my perspective a lot more on life in general and that a lot of things are not just about you. It’s about other people and the things they have to deal with,” Erina explains.



Erina credits her joining Boon Lay Youth Network to her wish to be able to watch the KidsCount beneficiaries grow up. Photo Credit: Erina Oh

A pivotal moment for Erina during YCLP was witnessing the tangible impact she made on the community through the beneficiaries' physical and academic growth. Recollecting her YCLP experience she shared her desire to stay in the beneficiaries’ lives to watch them mature.


“It was really that feeling of ‘what will happen to them after this’. I want to see them grow and what they do.”


This experience motivated her to join Boon Lay Youth Network after completing YCLP. Thus, in spite of a hectic workload as a final-year Polytechnic student, Erina has continued to volunteer for NinjaLearns Secondary, which provides free academic support to secondary school students from low-income families.



Amidst her demanding schedule as a final year diploma student, Erina remains dedicated to allocating time and effort towards community service. Photo Credit: Lim Yee Lin

Erina remains steadfast in her commitment to volunteerism, conveying her intention to resume her role as a volunteer instructor at the Singapore Red Cross Society. Reflecting on her experiences, she acknowledges the intensity of engaging in two consecutive years of long-term projects and expresses a desire to explore ad-hoc projects with Boon Lay Youth Network due to their range of activities. Recognising an enduring connection to Youth Corps Singapore due to her participation in YCLP, Erina also considers getting involved in other clusters that serve other communities in the country.


Introduced to volunteering at a young age by her parents through a food distribution run and the Values In Action (VIA) programme in secondary school, Erina developed a profound appreciation for giving back to the community. This early involvement became an integral part of her identity, leading her to pursue a Diploma in Community Development at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Despite initially being drawn to YCLP because of its connection to her studies, Erina found genuine enjoyment in contributing to the community.


“When you do actually see the beneficiaries being very excited and happy, there’s this feeling of fulfilment that’s hard to put into words.”